PERIO-Scope microscope imaging system for PERIODONTISTS

Our new product is designed specifically for periodontists to help prevent further gum disease by showing their patients how to achieve a healthy mouth with ‘LIVE’ video imaging. “If a picture is worth a thousand words, video is worth a million, seeing is believing”

  • New way to monitor and help eliminate periodontal gum disease.
  • Easy to use and amazing to watch your patient’s reaction!

The PERIOScope is designed to allow patients to see these living organisms in their own mouths.

Periodontal Disease treatment can be visually explained to your patients with the help of a dedicated microscope and video camera capable of recording live video and still image capture. When images of epithelial cells, bacteria, red and white blood cells, trichomonas and even amoebas are shown to patients they can see for themselves the severity of gum disease.

Our PERIOScope phase contrast microscope imaging system is a simple, effective way for periodontists to show the ill effects of gum disease. Using “LIVE’ video feed, patients can experience for themselves the long-term effects of poor dental hygiene.

Using our specialized imaging tools, periodontists can visualize, record and track the progress of treatment. Operation is easy and fast. When used in conjunction with large HD monitors the images almost jump off the screen for patients and health providers benefit and understanding.

The PERIOScope comes complete and ready to use stand-alone with the included 12-inch HD monitor or with a Windows or Mac computer connected via USB2 cable. Beautiful live, phase contrast images of unstained saliva showcase all manner of material found in the patient’s mouth and gums.

How can we help? Call us: +1 (281) 579-0342 or 281-755-4332
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