Linkam PE100 Inverted Peltier Systems
PE100 Inverted Peltier Systems
These microscope specific stages utilise peltier technology to enable heating and cooling of microscope slides or petri dish from -5 to 99°C. Designed to fit into the table or replace the table of your inverted microscope.

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Linkam PE100 Inverted Peltier Systems - Select from the Following:
Linkam inverted peltier stages are used in cell biology labs all over the world in applications ranging from IVF and sperm motility to blood viability and low temperature cell preservation.
The planar design of the stage allow complete access to the sample and facilitates the use of petri dishes, well plates and microscope slides.
This peltier (thermoelectric) heating and cooling stage is designed to fit into either an adapter to fit into the 3 plate XY table or built into a complete replacement of the fixed table on either the DMIR or DMIL range of inverted Leica microscopes. The stage is then flush with the surface of the table enabling the use of standard sample manipulators to be used.
Linkam inverted peltier stages are used in cell biology labs all over the world in applications ranging from IVF and sperm motility to blood viability and low temperature cell preservation.
The planar design of the stage allow complete access to the sample and facilitates the use of petri dishes, well plates and microscope slides.
This peltier (thermoelectric) heating and cooling stage is designed to fit into either the fixed table or XY table of the Nikon TE200/300 or Diaphot range of inverted microscopes. The stage is then flush with the surface of the table enabling the use of standard sample manipulators to be used.
Linkam inverted peltier stages are used in cell biology labs all over the world in applications ranging from IVF and sperm motility to blood viability and low temperature cell preservation.
The planar design of the stage allow complete access to the sample and facilitates the use of petri dishes, well plates and microscope slides.
This peltier (thermoelectric) heating and cooling stage is designed to fit into the table of the Olympus IX2 or IM2 range of inverted microscopes. The stage is then flush with the surface of the table enabling the use of standard sample manipulators to be used.
Linkam inverted peltier stages are used in cell biology labs all over the world in applications ranging from IVF and sperm motility to blood viability and low temperature cell preservation.
The planar design of the stage allow complete access to the sample and facilitates the use of petri dishes, well plates and microscope slides.
This peltier (thermoelectric) heating and cooling stage is designed to fit into either an adapter to replace the universal mounting plate on the XY table or built into a complete replacement of the fixed table on the Axiovert range of inverted Zeiss microscopes.