Linkam THMSEL600 Temperature Controlled Ellipsometer Stage

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Linkam THMSEL600 Temperature Controlled Ellipsometer Stage
The Linkam THMS600 is one of the most widely used heating stages on the market, and has now been modified with a special optical adapter to facilitate use on an ellipsometer. Developed in collaboration with the world leading ellipsometer manufacturers, the stage has been designed to allow optimal optical access to the sample.
Samples can be quickly characterized by heating to within a few degrees of the required temperature at a rate of up to 150°C/min with no overshoot, then slowed down to a few tenths of a degrees per minute to closely examine sample changes. The Linkam THMSEL600 has a temperature range of -196°C to 600°C.
Linkam THMSEL600 Temperature Controlled Ellipsometer Stage Specifications
- Temperature range ambient to 600°C
- Up to 150°C/min heating
- Temperature stability <0.1°C
- 16 mm X,Y sample manipulation
- Sample area 22 mm diameter
- Gas tight chamber for atmospheric control
- 100ohm platinum resistor sensor. 1/10th Din Class A to 0.1°C
- Light aperture – 2.4mm Ø
- Silver heating block for high thermal conductivity
- Single ultra thin lid window – 0.17mm
A range of different thickness spectroscopy grade quartz windows are available.