Linkam FDCS 196 Freeze Drying System


Call Meyer Instruments, Inc., for pricing and to learn more about Linkam temperature controlled stages

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Using the Linkam FDCS 196 freeze drying cryo stage and light microscopy techniques such as phase contrast and polarized light, it is now possible to quickly and accurately determine collapse and eutectic temperature and intricately investigate freeze dried structure of complex samples.

Both stage pressure and temperature can be accurately controlled and programmed to simulate industrial procedures and determine ideal drying parameters.

With a temperature range down to -196°C, Ultra low temperature eutectics can be investigated with the Linkam FDCS 196 system, not possible with peltier controlled systems.

Chamber pressure is monitored by a pirani gauge mounted directly on the stage and shows the stage to hold perfectly uniform vacuum even when the XY manipulators are used to follow the drying front moving across the sample.

FDCS196 Freeze Drying System Specifications

  • Temperature range -196°C to 125°C
  • Up to 150°C/min heating
  • Temperature stability <0.1°C
  • 16mm XY sample manipulation
  • Sample area 22mm diameter
  • Vacuum tight sample chamber to 10-3mbar even with XY manipulation.
  • Clamps directly to the microscope substage for stability
  • 100 Ohm platinum resistor sensor
  • Light aperture: 1.3mm diameter
  • Silver heating block for high thermal conductivity
  • Direct injection of the coolant into the silver block
  • Single ultra thin lid window: 0.3mm
  • Objective lens working distance: 4.5mm
  • Condenser lens minimum working distance: 12.5mm
  • Range of condenser extension lenses available
  • Can be used with all microscope techniques
  • Suitable for Confocal, Laser Raman, IR and X-ray
  • Stage body size: 137x92x22mm
Linkam Stages Working Distances
Meyer Instruments, Inc., is an authorized Dealer – Reseller for Linkam Scientific
How can we help? Call us: +1 (281) 579-0342 or 281-755-4332
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