M2Bio Fluorescence System
Offering a wide variety of low power fluorescence benefits for any laboratory

Kramer M2Bio Fluorescence Stereomicroscope
The Kramer M2Bio is the original hybrid stereo/compound fluorescence microscope with continuous zoom capabilities in both stereo and compound. The Kramer M2Bio is well known throughout the biology community as being the “go to” fluorescence stereomicroscope for transgenic sorting and observation needs for genetics, cell biology, neuroscience and developmental biology. This stereomicroscope was designed to flawlessly transition between stereo macro and compound micro imaging capabilities. The ergonomics of such a stereomicroscope offers time management improvements, in being able to study your subjects at one machine for many of your applications.
Kramer M2Bio
This was the original hybrid stereo/compound microscope with continuous zoom. While copied by others, the Kramer M2Bio still offers the best value and flexibility for those needing true stereo for picking with a compound light path for resolving more faint fluorescence markers.
Kramer M2Bio
- Original Hybrid system combining compound, stereo and fluorescence capabilities all into one system.
- Offers both transmitted light and fluorescence for both stereo and high magnification all in one instrument.
- Available foot pedal accessory for hands free transmitted light operation.
- Proprietary nosepiece design that offers one stereo lens and two ultra long working distance, high magnification lenses.
- Integrated with Zeiss SV8 or SV12 stereo microscope, this system offers quality 3D depth of field.
- Patented Quad fluorescence illuminator has unique design that offers bright fluorescence images that are clear and even in color. The illuminator holds up to 4 fluorescence cubes at one time that are ergonomically changeable with an easy finger swipe.
- Stereo images (in brightfield and fluorescence) with basic magnification of 10x-80x with SV8 and 8x-100x with SV12.
- High magnification images (in brightfield and fluorescence) 30x—660x.
- Offers erect and upright 3D images that are ideal for sorting, picking, tagging and sample manipulation.