Extended Depth of Field (EDF), Deep Focus Imaging Software Module
Extended Depth of Field (EDF) Deep Focus, software module solves an age old imaging problem by finally being able to provide scientists and researchers the image they could only imagine, namely one that is COMPLETELY IN-FOCUS. The narrow depth of field associated with optical microscopy has always required microscopist’s to continually focus back and forth through the Z-axis of an object. If a picture was required, even selecting the “best picture” still left most of the image out of focus. With inexpensive Z motorization one can effortlessly acquire a series of multi-focused images and within seconds produce an Extended Depth of Field (EDF) picture. More than 100-times the original depth of field is possible!
Small and large Z motor focus stands available. Up to over 7 inch travel with 15 micron Z step accuracy is possible. Inexpensively motorize existing Nikon, Olympus, Leica and Zeiss stereomicroscopes!
This technology can be applied to stereomicroscopes, microscopes, macroscopes, pathology slide scanners and even scanning electron microscopes. Whether acquiring images manually or automatically our software creates publication quality images in seconds. Let us show you how motorizing new or existing instruments can speed up the capture process and produce stunning results.
Non-EDF verses EDF

Motorize your EXISTING stereomicroscope to allow EDF and HDR simultaneously!

Standard Image verses EDF and HDR Image

High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging Software Module
Our High Dynamic Range (HDR) software imaging module for brightfield microscopy is a powerful new visualization tool that allows you to see the entire dynamic range of your microscopic or stereomicroscopic sample. Non-HDR traditional digital cameras can only provide a fraction of a samples luminosity. Information in darker parts of the image are lost as well as information in saturated or extremely bright areas of the sample. Microphotographs with a limited exposure range result in the loss of detail in highlights or shadows.
Combined with our Deep Focus or Extended Depth of Field (EDF) module the visual impact gives you virtually all the available image information at once! Only 3D display can provide more understanding of any given sample.
We can automate ANY stereomicroscope with motorized Z focus to allow SIMULTANEOUS EDF and HDR for under $9,000.00! Even our biggest stand capable of providing maximum Z travel for large samples is under $11,500.00. Price includes motorized Z stand, controller, color digital camera, capture software, EDF and HDR modules!
Our unique imaging system simplifies automated image capture. The result is a view into the critical information buried in all steromicroscopic samples. Some imaging systems can do either EDF or HDR . We can do BOTH automatically, and best yet, inexpensively!
Call us today at 281-579-0342 for a formal quotation or to arrange a SKYPE demonstration!
EDF and HDR Image Gallery
Standard verses Extended Depth of Field and High Dynamic Range

Fiber shown with and with out Extended Depth of Field

Extended Depth of Field - Electronics

Extended Depth of Field Comparison - Moth

Extended Depth of Field Comparison - Wasp

Extended Depth of Field and High Dynamic Range Comparison

Standard Image verses High Dynamic Range Image - 50 Caliber Cartridge

Extended Depth of Field - Pathology Slide Scanner 20x