Extended Depth of Field
In-Focus Automation solves a 150-year imaging problem by finally being able to provide scientists and researchers the image they could only imagine, namely one that is completely in focus. The narrow depth of field associated with optical microscopy has always required microscopists to continually focus back and forth through the z-axis of an object. If a picture was required, even selecting the “best picture” still left most of the image out of focus. Now, one can effortlessly acquire a series of multi-focused images and within seconds produce an Extended Depth of Field (EDF) picture. More than 100-times the original depth of field is possible!
In-Focus Automation was designed to eliminate narrow depth of field problems associated with reflected or transmitted light microscopy. Any optical technique can be used. In-Focus Automation controls your motorized stereomicroscope or macroscope and camera system to produce a “sequence” or “stack” of images. Each image is taken at different focus points within the subject. In-Focus Automation then uses Image-Pro Plus’ Extended Depth of Field (EDF) function to combine the multiple images in the sequence into a single “In-Focus” image. The composite image can reveal a great deal of information within the sample that may otherwise be obscured or unnoticed.
In-Focus Automation is a simple to use program operating with Image-Pro Plus extended depth of field function. It can be used with any properly configured Leica MZ motorized stereomicroscope or motorized macroscope. In-Focus Automation works best with digital cameras but it can also operate with analog video cameras and Image-Pro Plus supported frame grabbers. A complete list of supported products is available on request. Let us show you the difference In-Focus Automation makes!

3D Image Display
3D Surface Topography and Measuring Software Kit for Brightfield Microscopy is a powerful new visualization tool that enables you to present your bright field microscopic or stereomicroscopic images as completely in focus 3-dimensional images. Internal structure depth is not only clearly visible, but measurable! The visual effect of a 3D sample is represented in your display monitor’s 2D space.
This unique new imaging kit combines the simplicity of In-Focus Automation image capture with the awe of a revolutionary new extended depth of field algorithm (EDF). The result is a view into the 3-dimensional information buried in all microscopic samples. Inspect and display sample surfaces, measure and record results. Unlike other topographic software packages that require fluorescence confocal or SEM image stacks our 3D Surface Topography and Measuring Software Kit will work with brightfield transmitted or reflected light image stacks! And unlike other EDF software packages there are virtually no image artifacts!
3D Surface Topography and Measuring Software Kit for Brightfield Light Microscopy allows optical microscopy and stereomicroscopy to achieve its fullest potential by enabling measurements, viewing, recording and display of 3D data in a 2D space. Displayable ‘live motion’ images can be saved as AVI files for Windows PowerPoint© presentations.
This software kit works with microscope, stereomicroscope and macro image Z sequences using any illumination technique! Software requires IPP Win 6.0, In-Focus Automation or Scope-Pro 5.1 and a motorized Z controlled microscope to achieve best results. Includes on-site instruction in use.

High Speed Imaging Stitching
Objective Imaging Surveyor software with Turboscan enables scanning and near perfect-image stitching at camera frame rates. Scan the entire slide in seconds, and then effortlessly relocate to areas of interest with a simple click. Quickly get the specimen overview to aid in understanding the relationships between microscopic features and overall structure. Save your work for later review, discussion, and publication. Based on the OASIS-blue controller with the BLUE-EXPIO Encoder and Trigger interface module or OASIS-AF analog video processor option, Surveyor software with Turboscan provides everything a microscopist needs for surveying, relocating, printing and saving at a new standard in high-performance automation.

Flurorescent Brain Section Scanned with a 10x Objective in X, Y, and Z with Extended Depth of Field, using Surveyor with Turboscan software. Turboscan mosaic of over 340 images, digital camera resolution: 1340 x 1022 pixels, scanned with predictive focus, shading correction, and extended depth of field, total time for scan and mosaic: 192 seconds.
Multiple Wavelength Image Stitching in X,Y and Z
Objective Imaging Surveyor software with Turboscan enables scanning and near perfect-image stitching at camera frame rates. Scan the entire slide in seconds, and then effortlessly relocate to areas of interest with a simple click. Quickly get the specimen overview to aid in understanding the relationships between microscopic features and overall structure. Save your work for later review, discussion, and publication. Based on the OASIS-blue controller with the BLUE-EXPIO Encoder and Trigger interface module or OASIS-AF analog video processor option, Surveyor software with Turboscan provides everything a microscopist needs for surveying, relocating, printing and saving at a new standard in high-performance automation.