Designed for busy clinical labs!

- No pre-scan preparation necessary!
- ‘Smart Tray’ technology for intuitive slide organization
- Automatically locates and identifies problem slides with NFC technology
- Scan and view up to 1,000 slides per week!
- 60 or 102 slide capacity with a single click
- 12 Megapixel camera for 100 second scans
The redesigned EASYSCAN Infinity Slide Scanners now offer SMART handling technology.
The EASYSCAN Infinity slide scanner allows 60 or 102 slide capacity scanning.
Simply “Load and Go!”, no need to waste time prepping the slide with SMART handling!
Includes three (3) place motorized nosepiece with 10x/0.3 and 20x/0.75 Plan Apochromatic Objectives.
Optional 40x Plan Apochromatic objective.
Simple, fast, feature packed, high resolution, high throughput whole slide scanners.
Both at affordable pricing, thousands below our competition!
The new AI software ELIMINATES workflow issues from the start!
The scanner gets “smarter” the more it slides it scans!
Software Features:
Easiest to use graphic interface of any slide scanner on the market
One button walk away scanner operation
5 scan modes: Fast, Standard, High Resolution, Z-Stack and EDF (extended depth of field)
Automatic sample detection with manual override
Audio alert when scan run is completed
Automatically uploads images to server once scanned
DSAssistant and DSServer software included for immediate sharing and consultation with zoom, pan and scroll
Complete image enhancement capability, rotation, annotation, measurements and multiple ways to save complete images or ROI’s
SVS, TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000 and MDS file formats
Add or remove scale bar, macro overview window, slide label, magnification buttons and zoom magnifier
Side-by-side multiple image display for up to 8 simultaneous images
HIPAA compliant, encrypted and hospital approved
Hardware Features:
60 or 102 slide capacity (10 trays or 17 trays of 6 slides each)
Complete scan time is less than 100 seconds (40x, 15mm x 15mm area) and 60 seconds (20x, 15mm x 15 mm area)
2/3 “CMOS, 12M Pixel Main Camera ; Resolution: 4619 X 2598, 15 fps, 3.45 X 3.45μm / pixel,
USB3 connectivity, three (3) camera system
Three (3) place motorized nosepiece
High resolution 10x and 20x/0.75 Plan Apo objective lens produces ultra-clear, color correct images
Optional Plan Apo 40x/0.75 objective lens
0.13 um/pixel resolution for super fine details
NFC technology, or near-field communication allows ultra-quick data transfer
Control Systems XYZ auto, repeat positioning accuracy ≤ 1um
Optical system CCIS, 10W LED illumination, working time > 30,000 hours
EasyScan Main Menu - It's so EASY!

EasyScan DSAssistant Thumbnail Views - It's so EASY!

EasyScan DSAssitant Image Comparison - It's so EASY!

EasyScan Optional 4K display increases your field of view over 4 times! - It's so EASY!

Standard Image verses Extended Depth of Field Image - It's so EASY!

Standard Image verses Extended Depth of Field Image - It's so EASY!

All data and pricing subject to change without notice . . .
All Motic EASYSCAN INFINITY digital pathology slide scanners are for research purposes ONLY!
Worldwide hundreds have been sold and are currently in use. Considered one of the easiest to use slide scanners on the market today.