HemoLens 1 - True 100x oil immersion slide scanner
10x faster screening with High Density Information
Instant Cell Sorting with integrated on-premise GPUs

All Digital Workflow

Walk-away Scanning by the technician
AI-enabled Cell Differentiation
Tele-reportedby Specialists
- Auto monolayer / feather-edge detection.
- Auto Oil dispensing.
- Auto-cell detection + Multi-objective scanning.
- 120 WBCs are classified, sorted & flagged.
- No cloud upload needed. AI runs on the local GPU.
- Secure remote review by the Pathologist.
- Abnormal cells are pre-flagged and sorted.
- Resulting in 10x faster reporting.
Scanner Specifications
Slide Capacity | Single slide batch with soft sideways clamping supporting a. Slides with / without coverslips b. Slide thickness from 0.8 to 2mm |
Optical Setup | Robotic turret with 2 Objectives a. 100x oil immersion b. 40x dry High power flash LED & Condenser optimized for multiple NAs |
Image Resolution | Large size 2nd gen sony sensors yield a. 0.03 microns / pixel @ 100x b. 0.18 microns / pixel @ 40x Secondary Preview Camera for single shot quick view of slide |
Scan Algorithm |
Steps within Auto-scan
Single shot capture with Preview camera WSI @ 40x for AI determined boxed area Switch to 100x & Auto Oil dispensing 100x scan for AI-determined ROIs
Scan Time | Time for specific scanning modes a. 3.5 mins for 40x Monolayer + 100x 120 ROIs b. 6 mins for 40x (20x20mm) + 100x 120 ROIs c. 3.5 mins for 40x (15x15mm) |
Physical Properties | A tabletop device with Width : 19 Inches Depth : 17.5 Inches Height : 20 Inches Weight : 50 Kg (110 lb) |
Designed for Maximum Utility with Minimal AI
Accurate pre-bucketed WBCs across classes for quick flagging
Proven to speedup the review process by 10x

Pick specific etiologies from RBC morphometric parameters
Filter based on diameters to hunt for microcytic and macrocytic anemias
Sort cells based on elongation to quickly detect sickle cells
Surface irregularity based sorting to check for Poikilocytosis
Hunt for abnormal Platelets based on filtering & sorting across morphometric parameters
Platelet sorting to check for myeloproliferative or myelodysplastic syndromes
Order platelets by size to hunt for macrothrombocytopenia

Solved for PHI
AI without Cloud Uploads
HemoLens is equipped with powerful enough GPUs to run all the AI based image analysis software locally and hence never uploads data to cloud.
Hence, scanned images / patient data doesn’t leave Hospital / Lab’s network
Secure Remote Access
For tele-reporting purpose a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is setup allowing encrypted data to reach directly to the personal computer of the reporting pathologist.
Explicit network firewalls are setup to avoid unauthorised communication over the internet.