Metkon IMM 902 Inverted Metallurgical Microscope
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IMM 902 Inverted metallurgical microscope
Trinocular, Head 45° inclined.
Eyepieces: WF10x/22mm.
Nosepiece: 5-positions.
Objectives: 5x/0.15, 10x/0.3, 20x/0.45, 50x/0.55.
Focusing system: Coaxial coarse and fine.
Stage: 250x160mm; mechanical stage with lowered ergonomic coaxial controls.
X-Y range: 120x78mm.
Diaphragms: Field and aperture diaphragms (centerable).
Illumination: 12V/50W halogen bulb in external case.
Centerable bulb and brightness control.
Filters: Blue, polarizer & analyzer
Complete with dust cover
60 25 Holder for metallurgical samples(15 mm hole)
60 45 Mechanical stage, IMM 902
62 42 Eyepiece WF15x/16mm
62 53 Eyepiece micrometer PL10x/22mm
60 41 26x76mm micrometric slide. R:1mm, div:0,01mm
60 55 Objective 100x/0,80 (dry)
60 74 Photo adapter for IMAGINE HARDWARE SET, 0,5x focusable
60 65 12V/50W halogen bulb