Kramer Scientific LLC has over 60 years experience as the source for optical solutions to the Biomedical and Industrial Research Marketplace. As a result of these many years of experience, numerous products have been developed to fulfill the most demanding requirements of their customers. Many of these have become accepted by the various research communities as the product of choice for particular applications.
Kramer M2Bio Stereomicroscope
The M2Bio is the original hybrid stereo/compound fluorescence stereomicroscope with continuous zoom capabilities in both stereo and compound. The M2Bio is well known throughout the biology community as being the "go to" fluorescence microscope for transgenic sorting and observation needs for genetics, cell biology, neuroscience and developmental biology. This microscope was designed to flawlessly transition between stereo macro and compound micro imaging capabilities. The ergonomics of such a microscope offers time management improvements, in being able to study your subjects at one machine for many of your applications.
Kramer FSM25 Steromicroscope
The FSM25 Stereo Fluorescence Microscope systems are the ideal fluorescence microscopes for rapid picking, tagging and manipulation of transgenic species (including C. elegans and Zebrafish). This stereo microscope boasts a vivid depth of field, bright light output, more visible fluorescence tags, long working distance objectives and magnification capabilities of 0.67x - 90x (depending on the objective utilized). The sleek base and pass through fluorescence design make this a low profile, high efficiency tool for any lab.
Kramer FBS10 Microscope
The Kramer FBS10 Fluorescence Family of Microscopes is the culmination of compound and stereo technologies, emphasizing the optimal features in both while curtailing the compormises. Designed with C. elegans and Zebrafish researchers in mind, this workhorse system can replace the need for multiple microscope systems in almost any lab; Maximizing research efficiency and minimizing time spent moving, mounting and re-setting your subject for each new set up needed. Kramer FBS10 models include one with a DIC feature which interfaces flawlessly with both glass and plastic dishes for more research capabilities.
Kramer Quad Illuminator
The Patented Quad Stereo Fluorescence Illuminator was invented by Kramer to upgrade standard CMO stereo microscopes to full fluorescence functionality with ease. The Quad is well known throughout the fluorescence community as the best fluorescence adapter to add to your standard stereo system (Zeiss, Nikon, Olympus, and Leica). The Quad Fluorescence Illuminator holds up to 4 patented 2 dichroic mirror fluorescence cubes that give clear, bright and even fluorescence images. Kramer offers and extensive set of filters made by Chroma for your fluorescence needs.
Kramer BiFluor Illuminator
Upgrade your Greenough Microscope to Stereo Fluorescence without pricing out an entire new microscope system! These illuminators provide incredible fluorescence images with high light throughput & brightly colored fluorescence tags. The Bifluor system is adaptable to most Greenough stereo models (Zeiss, Nikon, Olympus) and offers either a coolLED light source adapter for single wavelentgh fluorescence (GFP) or a 3mm Liquid Light Guide Adapter for multi-wavelength fluorescence.
Kramer INV-Bio Illuminator
The INV-Bio is an inverted version of the M2Bio Fluorescence System utilizing a hybrid design combining macro stereo and compound microscopy capabilities. The INV-Bio has an ergonomically efficient stage that makes manipulation of your subject easy. Optional heated stage available upon request. The INV-Bio also offers a four position fluorescence turret system with 3mm Liquid Light Guide interfere to offer fluorescence for your applications. The INV-Bio system contains DIC use for 3D cross-section like viewing that is capable through both plastic and glass petrie dishes.
Speak with one of our specialists today to see if Kramer is a good fit for your setup!