Page Directory for Meyer Instruments
- 3D image generation with the optical . . . HREM – High Resolution Episcopic Microscope
- About Meyer Instruments, Inc.
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- Application Specific Products
- Brand
- Accu-Scope
- ACCU-SCOPE Inverted Microscopes
- ACCU-SCOPE Upright Microscopes
- ACCU-SCOPE EXM-150 LED Monocular Student Microscope
- Accu-Scope 3012 Series
- Accu-Scope 3035 Inverted
- Accu-Scope 3050 Series
- Accu-Scope 3055 Series
- Accu-Scope 3072 Series
- Accu-Scope 3075 Stereomicroscope
- Accu-Scope 3078 Series
- Accu-Scope 3078-HDR Zoom Series
- Accu-Scope 3088F
- ACCU-SCOPE EXC-400 Microscope
- ACCU-SCOPE EXC-500 Microscope
- ACCU-SCOPE EXI-310 Inverted Microscope
- ACCU-SCOPE RC500 Motorized Remote Control Microscope
- ACCU-SCOPE SKYE WiFi Microscopy Camera
- Excelis 4K UHD Camera
- Excelis HD Cameras
- MEC4 Inverted Metallurgical Microscope Series
- Aurox Confocals
- Basler Microscopy Cameras
- Bioptechs
- Dage-MTI
- Dolan-Jenner
- Excelitas X-Cite Fluorescence Illumination
- Glissando Slide Scanners
- Huron Digital Pathology Solutions
- Huvitz
- IMT i-Solution Industrial Image Analysis Software
- Innopsys
- ioLight High Resolution Portable Microscopes
- Jenoptik
- Karl Storz Borescopes
- Kramer
- Labomed
- Lumenera
- mediacybernetics
- Meiji (Upright)
- Meiji EMF Series Fixed Stereo Microscopes
- Meiji EMT Series Turret Stereo Microscopes
- Meiji EMZ Series Stereo Microscopes
- Meiji Industrial Stereomicroscopes
- Meiji RZ Industrial Stereomicroscope
- Meiji RZ Stereomicroscope
- Meiji Stereomicroscopes
- ML2000 Series Biological Microscopes
- ML5000 Series Biological Microscopes
- MT-10 Educational
- MT-30 Series Advanced Academic Microscopes
- MT4000 Series Microscopes
- MT5000 Series Microscopes
- MT6000 Series Microscopes
- Metkon
- Morphle
- Motic
- Motic BA210 Digital Microscope
- Motic BA310 Digital Microscope
- Motic Digital Microscope Cameras
- Motic DM-111 Digital Microscope
- Motic DM-1802 Digital Microscope
- Motic DM-52 Digital Microscope
- Motic DMWB1-223ASC Digital Microscope
- Motic DS-2 Digital Microscope
- Motic EasyDrive
- Motic EasyScan FS-Live, Slide Scanner and Microscope for Real-Time Telemicroscopy
- Motic EASYSCAN Infinity Slide Scanners
- Motic EASYSCAN NEW Infinity Slide Scanners
- Motic EasyScan One
- Motic EASYSCAN PRO 24 Pathology Slide Scanner
- Motic EasyStitch Pro Software
- Motic Moticam 1080
- Motic Moticam 1080 with video
- Motic PA53 Bio Series
- Motic PA53 MET Series
- Motic Panthera Microscopes
- Motic SM7 Stereo Microscope
- Motic Whole Slide Scanners
- MoticFlexScan – Fluorescence Slide Scanner
- Motic Slide Scanners
- Nightsea Fluoresence
- Nightsea Eclipse MicroTent Feedthrough Patches
- Nightsea Eclipse MicroTent
- Nightsea Fluorescence Adapter for Keyence VHX-5000
- Nightsea Light Head Hanger System for the Stereo Microscope Fluorescence Adapter
- Nightsea Microscope Eye Shields – Great for Fluorescence Microscopy
- SFA Adapter for the Leica EZ4 Series
- OptraSCAN Digital Pathology Slide Scanners
- OptraSCAN OS-FL Digital Fluorescence Pathology Scanner
- OptraSCAN OS-FS Digital Pathology Scanner For Frozen Sections
- OptraSCAN OS-Lite Digital Pathology Scanner
- OptraSCAN OS-SiA Artificial Intelligence Digital Pathology Scanner
- OptraSCAN OS-Ultra Digital Pathology Scanner
- OptraSCAN® OS-FLi Fluorescence & Brightfield Scanner
- Optronics 4K
- Photometrics
- PreciPoint
- PreciPoint M8 Microscope and Scanner
- PreciPoint M8 Videos
- Prior Scientific
- ES10ZE Focus Controller
- FB201 Focus Block
- H101A ProScan Stage
- H105 Microscope Stage
- H107 Inverted Stage
- H112 Microscope Stage
- H116 Microscope Stage
- H116SPN Motorized Shuttle Stage
- H117 Flat Top Inverted Stage
- H138A Upright Stage
- HF108IX3 Filter Wheel for Olympus IX3 Microscopes
- High Speed Filter Wheels
- HT1111 Hardness Testing Stage
- IX3 Breadboard and Filter Wheel
- LDB100F Brightfield LED with Flip-in 550nm Filter
- LDBNHUB Nikon Hub Integration Kit
- LF210 Laser Autofocus System
- LumaSpec 800 Optical Power Meter
- Lumen 100-LED Fluorescence Illumination System
- Lumen 1600-LED Fluorescence Illumination System
- Lumen 200/220 Fluorescence Illumination Systems
- Lumen 200/220PRO Fluorescence Illumination Systems
- Lumen 200S Fluorescence Illumination Systems
- Lumen 300-LED White Light Fluorescence Excitation Illumination System
- NZ200FCE NanoScanZ Nanopositioning Piezo Z Stage System
- NZ400 NanoScanZ Nanopositioning Piezo Z Stage System
- PL200 Slide Loader
- PLW20 Well Plate Loader System
- Prior Scientific HLD117 Linear Motor Stage
- Prior Scientific Robot Sample Handling Systems
- Prior Scientific Shutters
- PS3H122R Motorized Focus Drive
- Z Axis Motorized Focus Mounts
- Promicra Z motorization for stereomicroscopes with Canon DSLR camera control, EDF and HDR software
- Q-Imaging
- MicroPublisher
- optiMOS
- Q-Imaging QIClick CCD Camera
- Retiga 3000 CCD Camera
- Retiga 6000 CCD Camera
- Retiga ELECTRO CCD Camera
- Retiga LUMO CCD Camera
- Retiga MicroPublisher 6 CCD Camera
- Retiga R1 CCD Camera
- Retiga R3 CCD Camera
- Retiga R6 CCD Camera
- Retiga-2000R CCD Camera
- Retiga-4000R CCD Camera
- Rolera Bolt
- Rolera Thunder
- Scopio Labs
- SPOT Imaging Solutions
- Sutter Instrument
- TechniQuip Fiber Optic Illumination
- TissueScope IQ Digital Pathology Scanner
- Unitron
- Ash INSPEX 3 Digital Inspection Macroscope
- Ash INSPEX 3 Macroscope
- Ash OMNI 3 Core Macroscope
- METRICAL Software for Metallurgical and Materials Analysis
- Unitron 12100 Polarizing Microscope
- Unitron CFM Bullet Comparison Forensic Microscope – Inexpensive alternative to the competition!
- Unitron EXAMET-4
- Unitron EXAMET-5
- Unitron FS30
- Unitron MEC2
- Unitron OMNI Core INSPEX II
- Unitron RMM2
- Unitron Shopscopes
- Unitron Versamet 4 Inverted
- Unitron Z10
- Unitron Z12 Zoom Stereomicroscope
- Unitron Z645
- Unitron Z650HR
- Unitron Z730
- Unitron Z850
- Unitron ZSB/FSB
- Viewsiq
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- Custom Services
- Deep Focus, Extended Depth of Field (EDF) Software
- DeepVision NIR-II/SWIR
- Digital Imaging
- Highspeed
- Huvitz
- Jenoptik
- Jenoptik
- Labomed
- Labomed
- Lumenera
- Manual Microscope Image Stitching
- Meyer Instruments System Integration
- Motic
- Moticam
- ORS Visual SI
- Q-Imaging
- QImaging CMOS Cameras
- Video
- Video Pointer
- Z Motorization for Simultaneous Extended Depth of Field (EDF) and High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging
- GIGAmacro Gallery
- GIGAmacro Macro Scanner for Large Objects
- GIGAmacro Magnify2 Macro Object Scanner
- GIGAmacro Viewer
- Heliosonix ARIA-3D/4D
- Home
- Biological Inverted Microscopes
- Biological Microscopes
- C-Mounts
- Digital Microscope Cameras
- Industrial Inverted Microscopes
- Industrial Microscopes
- Kaiser Copy Stands
- Kramer Fluorescence Stereomicroscopes
- Linkam Scientific Instruments
- Linkam BCS 196 Cryobiology Systems
- Linkam Cap500 Stage
- Linkam CCR1000 Temperature Controlled Stage
- Linkam CSS450 CRYO CSS450
- Linkam DSC600 Optical DSC System
- Linkam FDCS 196 Freeze Drying System
- Linkam FTIR600
- Linkam Heating and Cooling Stages for Microscopy
- Linkam HFSX350 Heating Freezing Stage
- Linkam HS1500 Temperature Controlled Stage
- Linkam Integrated Peltier Stages
- Linkam LTS120 Peltier System
- Linkam LTS120E-P Peltier System
- Linkam MDBCS 196 Motorized Cryobiology Stage
- Linkam PE100 Inverted Peltier Systems
- Linkam PE120 Peltier System
- Linkam THMS 350V
- Linkam THMS350V-Ellipsometer
- Linkam THMS600
- Linkam THMS600 PS Pressure Stage
- Linkam THMSEL600 Ellipsometer
- Linkam THMSG600 – Geology System
- Linkam TS1000 Temperature Controlled Stage
- Linkam TS1200 Temperature Controlled Stage
- Linkam TS1400XY Temperature Controlled Stage
- Linkam TS1500 Temperature Controlled Stage
- Linkam TST350 Tensile Strength Test Stage
- Linkam Warming Stages
- Polarizing Microscopes
- Stereomicroscopes
- Whole Slide Scanners
- Image-Pro Plus MDA
- Instec Heating and Cooling Stages
- Instec C100W – C300W – C500W CHILLERS
- Instec HCS302/HCS302XY Temperature Controlled Stage
- Instec HCS302GXY Temperature Controlled Stage
- Instec HCS321Gi Temperature Controlled Stage
- Instec HCS402/HCS402XY Temperature Controlled Stage
- Instec MITO2 Digital Cameras
- Instec TS102/TS102XY Peltier Heating and Cooling Stage
- Instec TS102GXY / TS102VXY Thermoelectric Temperature Controlled Stage
- Instec TS102S Peltier Heating and Cooling Stage
- Instec TSA12Gi Thermoelectric Temperature Controlled Stage
- Legacy
- Leica Microsystems
- Makro Stand with Auto-Focus Camera
- Media Cybernetics
- Media Cybernetics
- Media Cybernetics
- Meyer Instruments
- Meyer Instruments
- Meyer Instruments, Inc.
- Microscope Art
- Microscope Cleaning
- Microscope Slide Art
- Microscope Slide Scanning Service
- Microscopes
- Motic EASYSCAN PRO 1 Whole Slide Scanner
- Motic EASYSCAN PRO 6 Pathology Slide Scanner
- Motic FlexScan1 Fluorescence Slide Scanner
- News
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- Paper Grid
- PathScan Enabler 5 is the ORIGINAL low cost Pathology Slide Scanner
- Pay Predict AI
- Promicra Gallery
- Promo
- Scanners
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- Stereomicroscopes
- Under Construction
- uScopeHXII Gallery
- uScopeMXII Software